The Best of Peter Thomas Roth's Masks


I picked up these gems at the last Sephora sale, and they have fast become a staple of my beauty routine over the past few months. At $75, the mask frenzy set is half-price of what you’d call a very affordable facial in NYC, and saves you even more over their collective retail price of $254. They are well worth the spend in this set, and there’s a favorite that I’ll be absolutely repurchasing when I hit the bottom of the jar. I’ve had these for months and with weekly use, I can see them lasting me still well into the year. Counting down to my favorites, there are real winners and nice-to-have’s in this set that make it a very good addition to your skincare routine.

6 | Cucumber Gel Mask Extreme De-Tox Hydrator

This cucumber gel mask feels fantastic on a summer day after you’ve spent some time at the pool or in the sun. I keep it in the refrigerator for a solid pick me up in application, and it can just sit on for a few minutes and you’ll feel recharged. I’ll say, however, that it’s not a real “detox” mask in my book — more of just a cooling, soothing, and freshening vibe. It’s still definitely worth it to have a product like this in the arsenal, but this one falls more in the “self care” category for me than being a major skin care heavyweight.

5 | Rose Stem Cell Bio-Repair Gel Mask

This bio-repair gel mask is a cousin of the watermelon glow recipe mask that I’m obsessed with. Because of that, the watermelon version beats this one, but this is still a good backup to help me ration my favorite. I use this in exactly the same way—slathering on a thick layer and sleeping with it overnight. It absolutely pills with that level of application, so be advised if you’re preserving some nicer pillowcases. You will, however, wake up with nice bouncy, fresh skin. I also am not a fan of rose scents, and this one isn’t too strong for me to live with overnight.

4 | Irish Moore Mud Purifying Black Mask

This is just the black mask that every acne-sufferer needs in their line up. What it does better than most I’ve tried is retain some moisture, as this mud is much more gentle than some of your traditional charcoal lineups. I personally never like a mud mask to dry completely on my fairly sensitive skin, so this one gets used in the shower, after cleansing. I also find that it makes a great follow on if you preceded it with ….


3 | Pumpkin Enzyme Mask Enzymatic Dermal Resurfacer

The PTR pumpkin enzyme mask is just about all the exfoliation my retinoid-taking skin needs. I keep acids pretty light and well-staged in my routine so as not to over exfoliate and aggravate my skin. This mask is one of the strongest “pumpkin” exfoliators I’ve tried. (A gentler option being the Naturopathica which is another favorite in this category.) I like this as a light “pre-game” to some of the other masks, provided your skin is used to this type of “cocktail” application. Again, this one doesn’t necessarily need to dry, so you can putter around for just a few minutes and its tingle gets to work.

2 | Hungarian Thermal Water Mineral-Rich Atomic Heat Mask

Gosh, it’s almost a tie. This thermal water heat mask is pretty magical, and as soon as you smear a thick swatch of the mud around your face it warms to a gentle heat and you can feel your pores filling with unicorn tears and youth. (Ok, but….close.) This mask is a little bit of a “do all things” addition- I personally find it helps decongest my skin, does a little bit of nice firming, and some brightening. Most of these masks I use as a last step in skincare, but I will say that this does leave a bit of a film after rinsing so I actually cleanse after this mask, and still feel like my skin retains many of the botanicals that make it so nourishing.

1 | 24K Gold Pure Luxury Lift & Firm Mask

Anti-aging masks generally feel like a bit of a scam to me. And weirdly, this doesn’t get incredible reviews, but I’m still here for it. Go in with reasonable expectations that any anti-aging mask isn’t going to sit on your skin long enough to have the same effect as the serums and other products you use in your skincare routine. What this does do, is use colloidal gold and a lot of hyaluronic acid to give you a plump and smooth finish and a little bit of brightening. It’s much more of a light cream texture and is a perfect “morning mask” as it gives you a great, fresh canvas on which to apply makeup and get on with your day. It’s absolutely the best mask in the bunch for where my skin is at, and is the perfect intersection of pampering and productive. Alone, it retails for $80, so again, I say save $5 and let this set get you through your self-care Sundays for the next year.

Have you tried the Peter Thomas Roth masks? Or do you have another favorite from his line?